Wednesday, January 21, 2009




From: CL FLORES (email of sender omitted upon request)
Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2009 6:43:50 PM
Subject: Danny

It’s funny coz everything that’s been written here are all about Danny but he himself is not allowed to have a say about it. I am sharing with everyone Danny’s side of the story.

I’m a friend of his and I feel so sorry for the way they treat this poor guy. Danny Ramilliano is not a thief! He is the victim of the PCCI board members who used him as a front for the wrongdoings that have been going on inside the PCCI club. He is not the defrauder but he was used to defraud the club.

My friend Danny is a benevolent and gentle person and he didn’t even fight for his rights having in mind that his co-board members would be deranged if he do so. Little did you know that these are the people who should be taking the blame for all of this mess. He doesn’t deserve this and I’m will prove that to you if you would only hear me out. I sincerely request that you do not judge him before you hear out his side in this mess.

It was last year that Danny had a small business financial problem. And because of this, he thought of asking for help from his friends at the PCCI board of directors. On an ex-com meeting, he shared his dilemma and humbly requested for a personal loan. He was willing to pay the interest so that it wouldn’t affect the club’s budget. Present at the meeting were Dinky Santos; Bong Natividad; Ting Bustos: Roland Gapus and Bob Castanos.

The ex-com knew that a director is strictly inhibited to loan money from the club’s fund. So Bob Castanos suggested that they include it in the voucher as payment of taxes this way no questions will be asked. Danny didn’t need to borrow a large sum of money but the others ex-com members wanted to loan as well and that’s how the debt reached to a booming 7-million pesos. They had a “gentleman’s agreement” and swore not to tell anyone about it and just keep it all up to themselves. They didn’t even intend to tell the other board members about it. It was their “little secret”.

Then after the May 2008 directorial election, Attorney Leynes also a CPA, who was the new elected director decided to go through the club’s records. And interestingly enough, he unveiled the “little secret” on September. The Ex-com members had a emergency meeting. They decided that Dinky and Bong would talk to Attorney Leynes. These two would explain to Attorney Leynes everything about the debt.

Danny was petrified when he found out how that meeting turned out. He never knew that they would all turn against him, with 45 calibers pointed at him and then suddenly he was just feeling the bullets coming from all directions!
And now he’s dead. ;-C

No I’m just kidding. Of course he’s not dead. Not in this world. But thanks to them they’re making him feel like he is. Everything has turned inside out and upside down for Danny. Now everyone who was in the “little secret” is shamelessly pointing his fat filthy fingers at him.

This is the proof. Danny even gave me a copy of his letter to Dinky which I am sending you and please publish it in the blog. Danny is apologizing to Dinky because it was his entire fault that they’re now caught up in this severe and serious mess, which only began with Danny’s small problem. He said that Dinky and the others were only helping him solve his problem.

Now that was all dictated by the ex-com. They were supposed to show the letter to Attorney Leynes to explain the loan to cover up for themselves. Danny never expected them to turn around and use the letter against him. Even though he didn’t get the 7 million all for himself, he was force to promise in the letter that he would pay it in full.

Danny never had a confession letter. He never admitted that he was the only one behind the 7-million scam. He only said in the letter that he would pay for what he owed from PCCI. And it’s not true that Danny forged Ting Bustos’ signatures. Ting is the only one saying that Danny did forge it. Now in this case whom would you believe? Ting or Danny? Was the bank a bunch of gullible fools who accepts falsified checks? And 34 falsified checks for that matter! No of course not. But if there’s truth about what Ting is saying, then why isn’t the PCCI suing the bank? Many Pacquiao did and got his money back why won’t PCCI dare to do the same if they are really after protecting the welfare of the club?

You see this is the reason why Danny is confidently attending dog shows and the Christmas party at GSDF. He knows that he is definitely NOT A THIEF and he can prove it in any court. He did not steal the money of the PCCI, it was lent to him with the connivance of the people in the ex-com who also benefited from it. This is the REAL true story.

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